On 5 October 2019, ISACA will conduct its inaugural ISACA CommunITy Day, a day of global service for ISACA members (through their chapters) and staff to give back to their local communities. We will track the hours served, people participating, opportunities offered, and places helped as we all strive to have a positive impact on the world. Watch this video from ISACA CEO David Samuelson inviting you to participate.
Many ISACA chapters have enthusiastically jumped into this initiative, contacting partner charitable organizations and setting up volunteer opportunities for their members to join. Anamika Roy, CommunITy Day Lead for the Chicago Chapter, is excited to get involved, saying, “The Chicago Chapter is organizing a range of interesting and fun opportunities to engage members of various interests and ensure that there is something for everyone. We are working to volunteer and support hunger, education, animals and health.”
The St. Louis Chapter was the first to enter an opportunity into the sign-up tool for their members to opt in. When asked why they see this as so valuable for ISACA’s membership, St. Louis Chapter CommunITy Day lead Karey Barker responded, “ISACA has a vision to be a ‘world-changer.’ It is up to us as individual chapters to hold ourselves accountable, to do our part, and help ISACA in its mission to positively impact the world.”
- Create a Helper Helper account to sign up for activities hosted by your chapter or track any independent volunteer service you do on ISACA CommunITy Day.
- Give back to your local community on 5 October 2019. (In future years, ISACA CommunITy Day will be the first Saturday in October annually.)
- Confirm your hours in Helper Helper when you are done volunteering to be included in ISACA’s global impact statistics.
- Follow our impact using #ISACACommunITyDay and post your own photos and videos to your social media accounts and your Helper Helper account. Use these handheld signs to highlight your activity or location in your pictures: download A4 or download 8.5” x 11”.
Members of the Melbourne Chapter quickly created their accounts in Helper Helper, the sign-up tool specifically for this event, and are already getting involved giving back. The chapter board has been planning their participation in this day since they got a sneak peek at the Oceania Chapter Leader Meeting in April. As chapter leaders Anthony Rodrigues and Ashutosh Kapse see it, “ISACA Melbourne Chapter’s greatest asset is its members who make valuable contacts, strengthen leadership skills, learn more about the organization, contribute to the profession’s knowledge base, and help fellow members develop professionally. ISACA CommunITy day is an opportunity for our member base to come together with a defined purpose and objective to have positive impact on the broader community.”
ISACA staff members are eager to participate as well. On 5 October you will find staff teams packing seeds for Feed My Starving Children; running or walking a 5K for AIDS research; sorting and stocking donations for ReStore, the home improvement warehouse that supports Habitat for Humanity, and much more.
ISACA has had a positive impact on the technology community for 50 years, and now, in our 50th anniversary year, we are highlighting the ways our global membership lives our values and has a positive impact on the world around us. Barker summed up the event perfectly: “CommunITy Day - a worthwhile endeavor to honor ISACA's past 50 years and make a difference locally and globally for the next 50!”
Learn more about ISACA CommunITy Day and help ISACA be a world-changer. Contact volunteer@jayconscious.com with any questions.